Changgero Sonic 2021

Utsu-P at Changgero Sonic 2021

On December 11, 2021, Changgero Sonic 2021 took place as a livestreamed pre-recorded show as was the case the previous year, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Utsu-P performed as the opening DJ act and provided the opening song.

Setlist (Japanese)

  1. ダーリンダンス (Remix)
  2. 幽霊東京 (Remix)
  3. エイリアンエイリアン (Remix)
  4. ビターチョコデコレーション (Remix)
  5. 砂の惑星 (Remix)

Setlist (English)

Utsu-P after Changgero Sonic 2021

  1. Darling Dance (Remix)
  2. Ghost City Tokyo (Remix)
  3. Alien Alien (Remix)
  4. Bitter Choco Decoration (Remix)
  5. Sand Planet (Remix)