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#Compass Fest 7th Anniversary

Picture of water bottles for #Compass Band taken by Utsu-P

On December 23, 2023, #Compass Festival 7th Anniversary took place as a livestreamed event. Utsu-P performed as the bassist of #Compass Band.

#Compass Band lineup

  • Utsu-P - Bass
  • Devillish-P - Lead Guitar
  • Wada Takeaki (Kurage-P) - Rhythm Guitar
  • NaoK - Drums

Setlist (Japanese)

  1. Call Of Justice (ダルビッシュP)
  2. ラヴィ (すりぃ)
  3. ダンスロボットダンス (ナユタン星人)

Setlist (English)

  1. Call Of Justice (Devillish-P)
  2. Lavie (Surii)
  3. Dance Robot Dance (NayutalieN)
wiki/compass_fest_7th_anniversary.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/23 06:08 by kisu_odd

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